About the Misanthrope

I am a freelance writer, photographer, and videographer. You might not know it, but you might have seen me or my work on CNN (during the Asian Tsunami), in a Gannett newspaper, and (embarassingly) in Viva, a Dutch magazine for teenage girls 18 and under. (Hey, it pays the rent.)

I am a native of New York City, currently residing in Amsterdam. I travel a lot for work and play – as it is my passion – and use this blog to record my observations, and occasionally – to vent. Some of what I write is very blunt, so feel free to be offended, but please don’t construe it as racist, nativist, sexist, xenophobic, or anti-whatever. Prejudice is based on pre-conceived (and often wrongheaded) ideas, beliefs, or ignorance; my hatreds are based on years of first-hand observation and experience – and no one is safe.

“Diogenes, when asked from what country he came, replied, “I am a citizen of the world”

– Diogenes, Ancient Greek Philosopher; said to be the Founder of Cynicism 412 BC-323 BC

7 responses to “About the Misanthrope

  1. Melanie

    I envy you ! You’ve travelled so much.and here back where I live, souls like yours truly need to slog their hinds to take one vacation outside the continent.tch tch!

  2. Fer


    I would like to ask your premission to use a photo of yours:

    it’s for a advertisement of a bar/cafe were they sell cheap beer mugs once a week.

    I hope to hear from you soon!

    Thanks in avance

    Fer van Rijswijk

  3. Karel Mestdagh

    some of your photographs are realy good – same goes for the comments, thanks.

  4. I love your site! 🙂

    Experiencing a slow PC recently? Fix it now!

  5. TM,

    I would also like to use the photo of the Beerman to acompany an article I am writing . I would be happy to include your URL. Please let me know if this is okay.
    Thank you!

  6. Dan

    Where are you? Why don’t you blog anymore?

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